After completing my nature call I crawled back into bed. Hubby was awake by now, so he too followed his own call.
After returning to bed, dear hubby casually announced that "Oscar" was above my dressing table mirror and was settling in for the night. I leapt up and out of bed.
"Huh? What! Where?"
The news left me wide-eyed and rattled. How had I missed him? The hairs on my neck fluttered wildly . I was wide-awake by now. It was time for action.
"He must go!" I demanded flatly.
"He's harmless," Les countered sleepily.
"No, it's either him or me!" I said firmly.
I dashed to the kitchen to fetch an ice-cream container. The dogs too were awake by now and matched my energy. They danced in delight.
"Here, you do it," I handed the container to Les. Hubby let out a sigh, thew back the duvet and took the container. I retreated around the corner to watch from a distance.
By this time Oscar was happily sashay'ing across the ceiling in the dressing area. His hairy legs were long and agile I shivered visibly as Les slowly marked his movements and raised the upside down container towards him. Suddenly the spider leapt out in alarm, off the ceiling and fell, almost in slow motion.... onto Les's bare back...!!!
"Eeeeeeek !" I screamed.
The spider then bounced off Les's back and fell firmly to the floor. I jumped in panic.
As non-Nonplussed as ever, dear hubby bent down calmly and edged the creature into the container. He casually replaced the lid on top and lifted Oscar up to escort him outside, into our atrium.
"See, it's not so bad," he grinned widely.
"Speak for yourself," I muttered as I set about closing all the windows and doors firmly.
Before long, hubby reverted to snoring the night away. I reached for my crochet hook and crocheted into the darkness...... Urrrrg! spiders.